The Capital District Hunter Jumper Council is a not-for-profit organization formed to promote education, sportsmanship, and professionalism at horse shows and in the local horse community. The membership is comprised of hundreds of local horse owners, trainers, and riders who compete locally and travel to other elite competitions throughout the country. The Capital District Hunter Jumper Council is celebrating over 40 years of promoting quality horsemanship and friendly, enjoyable competition. The CDHJC is proud to host annual events, which continue to grow in attendance:
The Annual Horse Show began in 1975 as a one-day show. It is now a four-day show, offering variety of hunter, jumper, and equitation classes, which draw several hundred exhibitors from the Capital Region and Hudson Valley of New York, as well as Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut.
The Annual Awards Banquet recognizes the accomplishments of our riders from the past show year. Awards are presented for points accumulated in numerous divisions, as well as special recognition for outstanding sportsmanship. Donated goods and services are presented in the silent auction and raffle, which are always crowd favorites.
Sponsorships are available at all levels to help support CDHJC. Sponsorships help to provide awards at the Annual Show and Awards Banquet, as well as costs to support the Finals Horse Shows. Please consider becoming a sponsor, advertising in our programs, or donating items for our Awards Banquet auction and raffle. For more information on sponsorship or to develop a package that works for you, contact Amanda Wadsworth at [email protected].